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Life Sciences Forecasting & Analytics Reference Sources

Statistical Forecasting with Microsoft Excel


Use Decision Analysis & Long-Term Market Forecasts to Build a Targeted Product Portfolio, Center for Business Intelligence Portfolio Optimization Conference, October 2003. View Presentation (pdf)

Deal Valuation Techniques, Biotechnology Industry Organization Annual Convention, June 2003. View Presentation (pdf)

Pharmaceutical and Biotech Product Pricing, Washington Biotechnology and Biomedical Association Breakfast for Success Series, January 1999. View Presentation (pdf)

Decision-Based Management [Quantifying Risk to Clarify Decisions], Biotechnology Organization Annual Convention, June 1997. View Presentation (pdf)

Decide to Profit, Charles L. Hooper, BioFinance, Ernst & Young, June 1995. View Presentation (pdf)

Should the Cure for Cancer Cost the Same in California and Calcutta? IBC International Pharmaceutical Pricing Congress, February 1995. View Presentation (pdf)

Insights Into Pricing: An Important Problem Child, IBC Pharmaceutical Pricing Conference, June 1994. View Presentation (pdf)


Making Great Decisions book cover

Making Great Decisions in Business and Life
Chicago Park Press, 2006

To Increase Innovation and Make Drugs More Affordable, Deregulate, David R. Henderson and Charles L. Hooper, Journal of Clinical Pathways, September/October 2015. View Article

The Ebola Scare, Charles L. Hooper, Hoover Defining Ideas, September 2014. View Article

Never Mind: FDA Changes Own Rules in Midstream, Charles L. Hooper, Library of Economics and Liberty, November 2012. View Article

The FDA’s War on Drugs, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Hoover Defining Ideas, July 2011. View Article

The Cost of Prescription Drugs is Appropriate, Charles L. Hooper, The Pharmaceutical Industry, October 2011. View Article

The Federal Government Bares Its Teeth At A Pharma CEO, Charles L. Hooper & David R. Henderson, May 2011, ForbesView Article

The Soviet Unionization of Health Care, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, The Future of Freedom Foundation, March 2010. View Article

We Smell A Rat: Tests in rats shouldn’t kill a promising new drug for RLS, Charles L. Hooper & David R. Henderson, Medical Progress Today, March 2010. View Article

Pfizer’s $2.3 Billion-Dollar Settlement, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Forbes, September 2009. View Article

The FDA’s Big Bad Wolfe,  Charles L. Hooper and David R. Henderson, Forbes, January 2009. View Article

Markets Can Determine Drug Efficacy, David R. Henderson and Charles L. Hooper, Forbes, July 2009. View Article

Pharmaceuticals: Economics and Regulation, Charles L. Hooper, The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, 2008. View Article

Obama And The ‘Drug Killer’, Charles L. Hooper, Forbes, October 2008. View Article

Swing Vote at the FDA, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Medical Progress Today, August 2008. View Article

FDA Walls Do Not Encircle, Charles L. Hooper, Library of Economics and Liberty, July 2008. View Article

OTC Mevacor Goes Down for a Third Time, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Medical Progress Today, March 2008. View Article

Our Lawless FDA, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, The Wall Street Journal, May 2007. View Article

Confessions of a Drug Killer, Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, May 2007. View Article

The FDA’s Marijuana Problem, Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, August 2006. View Article

When Lady Luck Plays Moneyball, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, October 2006. View Article

GM/UAW Driving Health Care in Wrong Direction, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Lew Rockwell, September 2005. View Article

Clear Thinking About Vioxx, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Reason, January 2005. View Article

Grey Matter, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, November 2004. View Article

Hidden Drug-Reimport Potential, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, The Washington Times, February 2004. View Article

Confessions of a Drug Killer, Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, May 2007. View Article

The FDA’s Marijuana Problem, Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, August 2006. View Article

When Lady Luck Plays Moneyball, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, October 2006. View Article

GM/UAW Driving Health Care in Wrong Direction, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Lew Rockwell, September 2005. View Article

Clear Thinking About Vioxx, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Reason, January 2005. View Article

Grey Matter, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, November 2004. View Article

Hidden Drug-Reimport Potential, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, The Washington Times, February 2004. View Article

Confessions of a Drug Killer, Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, May 2007. View Article

The FDA’s Marijuana Problem, Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, August 2006. View Article

When Lady Luck Plays Moneyball, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, October 2006. View Article

GM/UAW Driving Health Care in Wrong Direction, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Lew Rockwell, September 2005. View Article

Clear Thinking About Vioxx, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, Reason, January 2005. View Article

Grey Matter, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, TCS Daily, November 2004. View Article

Hidden Drug-Reimport Potential, David R. Henderson & Charles L. Hooper, The Washington Times, February 2004. View Article